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  • Audition for the Inglemoor Theatre Company’s spring musical Anastasia!
  • Way to go! Seven Inglemoor delegates won at PACMUN!
  • Congrats to Lilian Berrios for being the Girls 3A Dive Champion!!
  • Great job to the cast and crew of “The Play That Goes Wrong” for a great show!
  • Great job to the 10 National Merit Scholar semifinalists from Inglemoor!
The student news site of Inglemoor High School

Nordic News

The student news site of Inglemoor High School

Nordic News

The student news site of Inglemoor High School

Nordic News


About Band

Band is a yearlong class where students are able to express their musical passions in multiple ways. During the Fall, we practice field shows and pep tunes as a marching band in order to entertain the crowds at home football games. During Winter and Spring, we split into three groups, and prepare concert music to perform at competitions. During the Winter, we also play our pep tunes at basketball games for crowd entertainment. Aside from those groups, we have additional classes for Jazz Band and Pit Orchestra.

Club Updates

On Sept. 28, there will be a Lights Out Marching Band Performance at the Homecoming football game against North Creek.

On Oct. 11, a Senior Show Marching Band Performance will take place at the football game against Woodinville.

For More Information

If you have interest in joining band or questions/comments regarding the program, please feel free to reach out to the band teachers Ted Christensen at [email protected] or Charlie Fix at [email protected].

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