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  • Audition for the Inglemoor Theatre Company’s spring musical Anastasia!
  • Way to go! Seven Inglemoor delegates won at PACMUN!
  • Congrats to Lilian Berrios for being the Girls 3A Dive Champion!!
  • Great job to the cast and crew of “The Play That Goes Wrong” for a great show!
  • Great job to the 10 National Merit Scholar semifinalists from Inglemoor!
The student news site of Inglemoor High School

Nordic News

The student news site of Inglemoor High School

Nordic News

The student news site of Inglemoor High School

Nordic News

April Hopcroft

April Hopcroft, Reporter

Senior April Hopcroft joins Nordic News as a first-year reporter, curious to explore the world of journalism. She is a full IB student with a love for foreign languages (particularmente el español) and the social sciences. April also participates in cross country, figure skating, and orienteering (a sport combining trail running and navigation), and she enjoys outdoor adventures of all kinds.

All content by April Hopcroft
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April Hopcroft