In the inaugural episode of the Nordic Popcast, Jackie Su, Jana Dimikj, and Tyler Vuu discuss the new Netflix series “The Queen’s Gambit,” which revolves around a young female chess prodigy. Discussions include the show’s impact on young viewers and how it handles real life situations, such as the main character’s battle with drug and alcohol addiction. Anyone who is looking for an interesting show to watch during the holiday season should definitely tune in to this festive Nordic podcast!
Nordic Popcast Episode 1
Dec 29, 2020
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About the Contributors
Jackie Su, Co-Editor-in-Chief
Senior Jackie Su is the Co-Editor in Chief of Nordic News. Outside of Nordic, she is also Co-President of DECA and a victim of the IB program. This year, she is excited to lead and mentor Nordic’s staff and continue to write thought-provoking pieces that challenge her community’s thinking. When she’s not studying or stressing about something, you’ll find her reading, playing the cello or buying unnecessary things. She also dabbles in social advocacy and is the renowned karaoke queen of Nordic.
Jana Dimikj, Feature Editor
Senior Jana Dimikj is the Feature Editor on the Nordic News staff for the 2021-2022 school year. Her goal for Nordic this year is to create engaging and relevant content that students will enjoy reading. She hopes to make Nordic a bigger part of the Inglemoor experience and spread the news to every student. Outside of Nordic, she partakes in a few clubs and enjoys playing guitar and painting.
Tyler Vuu, Reporter
Senior Tyler Vuu is a reporter for Nordic News for the 2020-2021 school year. This year, he strives to create relevant and interesting articles for the Inglemoor reader base. Outside of Nordic,Tyler is a full IB student and loves to cook, fish,and hike. Tyler’s favorite thing to do in his free time is to play games, whether it be video games, board games, or card games like Magic the Gathering.