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  • Audition for the Inglemoor Theatre Company’s spring musical Anastasia!
  • Way to go! Seven Inglemoor delegates won at PACMUN!
  • Congrats to Lilian Berrios for being the Girls 3A Dive Champion!!
  • Great job to the cast and crew of “The Play That Goes Wrong” for a great show!
  • Great job to the 10 National Merit Scholar semifinalists from Inglemoor!
The student news site of Inglemoor High School

Nordic News

The student news site of Inglemoor High School

Nordic News

The student news site of Inglemoor High School

Nordic News

Finn Walker

Finn Walker, Cheeky Editor

The year is 1998, the economy is crumbling, the streets are ravid with crime, and Senior Finn Walker is born, your welcome. Since then Walker has devoted his life to nothing in particular. Finn Walker first joined nordic to become a cartoonist, but after meeting his leader, his teacher, and his personal hero the coach, his direction in life drastically changed. From that point forward Walker was determined to write cheeky, and he is currently the cheeky editor, arguably the most important position in nordic. When he’s not working on the paper, Walker spends his time making comics, reading comics, watching movies, and avoiding homework. Walker also once wrestled a full grown kangaroo to the ground, do with that what you will.

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Finn Walker