To our valued advertisers,
The Nordic News reaches a readership of over 1,700 students, faculty, family members and surrounding community subscribers. We have also won several awards in recent years for our powerful writing and graphic design.
In order to continue our work, we need your support. If you are interested in advertising with us, please take a look at our ad options. Please send any inquiries to [email protected]. You can also reach our adviser, Joanna Little, at [email protected]. We look forward to featuring you in the paper or on our website!
Ad shoutouts
Available to any students or relatives affiliated with Inglemoor High School. Not available to any external businesses. Each shoutout is 1/8th of a page, priced at $25 USD (no tax). Examples may include recognition for achievements, awards or to simply support Nordic News.
Graphics or pictures provided must be school appropriate and fit within a 1/8th ad space (5 x 3in). Nordic News design staff will crop the image if necessary. If you are unable to provide a graphic, the Nordic News design staff will create a graphic based on the information given. Nordic News reserves the right to deny any information that it deems inappropriate to publish. Shoutout space is available for purchase through the Inglemoor High School bookkeeper’s office or online through TouchBase.
Please notice that when purchasing a shoutout ad, all information or graphics need to be submitted via Google Form to Nordic News at least 7 days prior to the set publication date. This will ensure that the graphic will make it into the issue. Shoutout space cannot be guaranteed, so Nordic News encourages students to reach out as soon as possible to reserve a space for each issue!
Use this link to submit a shoutout ad request, and follow the payment instructions within the request form.
The remaining publication dates for 2024-25 are listed below:
Issue 5 – March 28, 2025
Issue 6 – June 6, 2025
With more to come during the 2025-26 school year!
Adviser Joanna Little
Business Managers Ava Hedin and Annabelle Yip