Breaking News
  • Congratulations to Jadie Hwang for placing 2nd in the WSPTA Relections in Literature!
  • Congratulations to the Inglemoor Crew Women’s 4+ boat for winning 5th at the US Rowing Youth National Championships!
  • Good luck to Jackie Jones, Maggie Cowan, Paige Stewart and Lauren Vesely who are competing at the Nike Outdoor Nationals from June 14-15 at the University of Oregon’s Hayward Field!
  • Congratulations to National Merit Scholarship Recipient Senior Bennett Ye!
  • Congratulations to senior Ava Espiritu who won the League of Women Voters’s video contest!
The student news site of Inglemoor High School

Nordic News

The student news site of Inglemoor High School

Nordic News

The student news site of Inglemoor High School

Nordic News

Seniors find their financial fairy tale

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About the Contributors
Anna Oleynikova (she/her)
Junior Anna Oleynikova is in her first year on the Nordic News staff. She moved from Ukraine to the US about one and a half years ago and already joined the friendly and close-knit team here. Outside of school, Anna spends most of her time improving her language skills, reading, drawing and listening to motivational podcasts. She looks forward to developing her writing abilities, learning more about how things in school work, making new friends and starting to create interesting articles that will inform and delight students!
Camille Pierce (she/her)
Camille Pierce (she/her), Co-Copy Editor
Junior Camille Pierce is one of the copy editors for the 2023-24 school year. During her second year on staff, she hopes to further develop her writing and photography skills and write unique stories that represent the Inglemoor community. Outside of Nordic, she is part of various clubs (join SARA!) and Inglemoor’s swim and dive team. In her slowly-disappearing free time, she likes to make very long to-do lists, go on picnics with her friends and gush about her two (very cute) cats.

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