Cheeky Quiz: What type of Inglemoor driver are you?
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12 Total Questions
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Question 1/12
You are approaching a stop sign: what do you do?
Question 2/12
You are in a school zone, you:
Question 3/12
You see this sign, how do you respond?

Question 4/12
Which of the following images represents you when parking?

Perfectly in the lines


Across four spots

Question 5/12
You see your friend walking on the sidewalk while you’re driving out of the school, you:
Question 6/12
You’re stopped at a stoplight intersection, and the light turns green
Question 7/12
A traffic director puts a flat palm out towards you to allow buses to enter the intersection. How do you respond?
Question 8/12
You see a group of students crossing the road to the school.
Question 9/12
There is a cyclist in the bike lane, going in the same direction as you
Question 10/12
While leaving the parking lot, you come across a four-way stop.
Question 11/12
While on a road trip, you begin to get sleepy
Question 12/12
A tree has fallen on Simonds Road directly in front of you