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Editor goodbyes: Happily ever after

Editor goodbyes: Happily ever after

Cate Bouvet

When I applied to Nordic, I didn’t understand the importance of journalism. I had saved the application to my computer desktop the summer before my freshman year, forgotten about it, and reopened it a year later to apply. I didn’t know that four years later, I would be reading similar applications from students equally as excited to enter the field of journalism. I didn’t know how much of a difference joining a high school newspaper would have on my time in school and future endeavors. 

In my application, I had written about how being an avid reader would make me an “asset” to Nordic. My obsession with reading books and following the news only grew when I joined. Stacks of books now line my windowsill, desk and dresser. Shaky pencil lines underline quotes from Franz Kafka, Joan Didion and Zora Neale Hurston. By reading and observing others’ words, I attempt to emulate authors’ styles and voices in hopes of finding my own. 

Writing is hard. It’s impossible for me to read any of my past articles without feeling some sense of shame or embarrassment. But Nordic provided me with a space to learn how to write, which meant making mistakes. The subtext of each word, the arrangement of a sentence and the “best” end quote have turned into my automatic thoughts as an editor, I know that I have grown as a writer and a person by joining Nordic. I can only hope that as editor, I have helped my staff improve just as much. 

I have met some of the most passionate and caring people through the newspaper — not only my dedicated staff who share my attention to detail and take my criticism with grace, but the students, teachers, professors, scientists, firefighters, librarians, union workers and strangers who have been willing to share pieces of their lives with me. This year, Klaira and I also started a guest column for students outside of Nordic to have an opportunity to write about their unique experiences in a narrative form, and working with them has instilled a sense of community in me that further motivates me to write. 

I will never forget the memories and lessons I have learned from Nordic — from covering school board elections with Klaira to brainstorming covers with Alan to always carrying a notebook and pen and standing my ground for the rights of student press. Journalism has never felt more important to me — not only to serve as a public forum but to create a more informed electorate. I plan to major in journalism at Northwestern University, and this summer, I will continue to report as an intern for the Woodinville Weekly. 

Working with Klaira and Claire to publish six issues this year has been an incredible experience and one that we would not have been able to accomplish without the dedication and support of our advisor, Joanna Little. I am extremely grateful to have been a part of Nordic, and I cannot wait to see what Claire, Shirene and Will will accomplish next year. Long Live the Nord!


Klaira Zhang

At the beginning of my sophomore year, I reluctantly joined Nordic News as a means of filling the remaining elective spot in my schedule. Little did I know that I’d eventually find myself at the forefront of a battle between the Northshore School District and Nordic. Or that it would quickly become my favorite class. 

I began as a reporter. It was my first time on a school campus in nearly two years because of COVID, and getting to know the Inglemoor community was a gradual process. Thankfully, through Nordic, I was forced to become a highly integrated member through interviews with students and community members I never thought I’d talk to. In my first year, I developed valuable skills such as asking for help, having resilience when needing to rewrite an article, creating and analyzing surveys and of course using the various softwares in the Adobe suite. It was also this year that Nordic began its fight against NSD that would last nearly my entire time on staff.

In my second year, I was elected as feature editor and business manager. In the feature section, I strove to curate articles that were both intriguing and relevant. I made it my priority to increase the diversity and representation of the student body in the feature articles. As business manager, I learned essential fundraising skills by building relationships with local businesses.  

As a senior, I led a class of 34 writers as co-editor-in-chief. We’ve broken many recent records, including publishing six print issues, earning 15 and counting Best of SNO awards and placing fifth in Best of Show at the JEA/NSPA National Spring Convention. The previous co-editors handed down to us the challenging role of negotiating a new set of policies and procedures concerning freedom of expression with district leadership. We spent countless hours with NSD Communications Director Carri Campbell writing, editing and discussing the policy, met with the District Cabinet twice and finally passed our revisions to Board Policy 3220 with the School Board. The process took five months — from August to January. But it proved to be worth it as it ensured the freedom of expression of all student journalists and staff members in the district. 

I am grateful for the boundless support Mrs. Little has given Nordic. Her humbleness, dedication and compassion will forever inspire me. To my co-editor Cate, the best co-editor I could’ve ever wished for: your passion for journalism has led Nordic to new heights.

I am excited to pass the role of leading staff onto Claire, Shirene and Will. I have no doubt that you guys will do amazing! I will be a lifelong subscriber to Nordic and cannot wait to see what years in the future produce! Long live the Nord!

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About the Contributors
Cate Bouvet (she/her)
Cate Bouvet (she/her), Co-Editor-in-Chief
Cate Bouvet is the Co-Editor-in-Chief of Nordic News this year and is excited to lead Nordic’s staff in publishing relevant and engaging articles. In her third year on staff, she hopes to mentor new reporters and strive for objectivity. Outside of Nordic, Cate is also captain of Inglemoor’s cross-country team and volunteers at Seattle Aquarium. In her free time, she enjoys reading, writing, skiing, and spending time with family and friends. 
Klaira Zhang (she/her)
Klaira Zhang (she/her), Co-Editor-in-Chief, Co-Business Manager
Senior Klaira Zhang is the Co-Editor-in-Chief and Co-Business Manager of Nordic News for the 2022-2023 school year. She is excited to lead Nordic staff members, continuing to strive as a historically trailblazing publication and amplify unheard voices through quality writing. This year, Klaira’s main goals are to improve digital channels and promote DEI. Outside journalism, Klaira is involved in serving on the officer teams of DECA and FBLA.